Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Eliminate Kidney Stones The Natural Way Fact or Fiction?

This is a project under way.

Hello my name is Tom Harrell and I have kidney stones. Yes they hurt me like all hell just like they do you. I just spent 15 days in the hospital recovering from an episode. I am thinking that there must be a better way. I am searching for a way to prevent the stones from coming back and to rid myself of them quickly and painlessly if they do come back.
I have taken a sampling of the remedies offered on the web. There are natural, herbal, holistic and home remedies for prevention and quick cures for kidney stones. I have included some of the advertisements herein. I purpose to test these remedies and share a report on the success or failure.

Advertisements from the web as follows

Fiber flushing Kidney Stones

You have probably walked down a grocery store aisle to see that fiber is advertised everywhere. Only in the last decade have we discovered the fiber is extremely beneficial to the body. In the natural health field, fiber is also important for flushing many of our bodily systems like our kidneys.

Fiber is a little complicated but it is mostly responsible for pushing food through the digestive tract to keep your body flushed and regular. For kidney stones, experts recommend soluble fiber because of the abundance of water in water soluble fiber.

You should immediately begin to add fiber to your diet by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in natural acids. Natural acids will help dissolve the stones before they are flushed. This can happen because the liver does not filter the acids before they reach the kidneys.

The following is a list of fruits and vegetables you should consider for your fiber flush.

Fruits: watermelon, cherries, lemons, grapes, oranges, grape juices, orange juices, and cranberry juices.

Vegetables: all vegetables are great for helping flush the stones because of the high water soluble dietary fiber and the less sugar.

Flushing Kidney Stones in 24 Hours

Fiber is a great place to start your cure and also prevention of future stones. However, if you would like to pass your kidney stones in less than 24 hours, I recommend trying our Kidney Stone Remedy Report. With only 2 ingredients from the grocery store, you can flush your kidney stones by tomorrow.

Five Ways in Passing a Kidney Stone Naturally

When one develops kidney stones, what immediately comes to mind is the cure in passing the kidney stones. Passing a kidney stone may be in the form of traditional medicine or the use of herbs. Let us first have an idea of what kidneys stones are all about.

Kidney stones are material substances in the body like calcium and other chemicals that crystallize and harden in the urinary tract. Causes may include unhealthy eating habits or it can even be hereditary. Symptoms may include pain while urinating, presence of blood in the urine, there is the urgency to urinate frequently and the nagging pain in the lower back. One these symptoms occur, the next best thing is to visit a urologist for proper medical advice.

Development of kidney stones may be avoided if only we know how.

Here under are 5 ways in passing a kidney stone naturally:

1. Drink ample amount of water- Drinking ample amount of water everyday will allow frequent urination and dilution of the urine in the body. Most kidney stones will pass naturally.

2. Take vitamin supplements- Vitamin B-complex is a good supplement in avoiding these. Deficiency in vitamin B-6 was noted to increase the formation of kidney stones. Other supplements include magnessium and other herbs like buchu, clevers, couch grass and dandelion.

3. Avoid having a sedentary lifestyle- Always be on the go. Move around after each meal. This way, blood will flow in the body normally.

4. Eat fibrous foods- Fruits and vegetable are known to contain fibers. However, limit the intake of apple/grapefruit juice, rhubarb, beans, beets, chocolates, nuts and spinach as they contain oxalates. Oxalates are one of the causes of kidney stones formation.

Avoid high protein foods like dairy and meat as they put a strain to the kidney. Alcohol is also included in the list but in some research studies made, drinking beer in moderation helps in the reduction in the occurrence of a kidney stone. Further, maintain a diet that is low in salt.

5. Phosphoric acid- This is present in soft drinks and colas. Recent studies show that the acid content present in soft drinks and colas act as a catalyst to break kidney stones. However, this should be taken in moderation because too much acid is also painful to the stomach.

Based on some data, having kidney stones will affect 1 out of 10 individuals in his or her lifetime thereby causing severe pain to the sufferer. It is a good prevention if we equip ourselves with the knowledge of passing them naturally.

Flush Kidney Stones in Hours

I hope you will begin to use these remedies to begin your home treatment. By far the most effective remedy for treating kidney stones is phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid has been shown to dissolve calcium based kidney stones in hours; allowing you to painlessly flush them.

Herbal cures for kidney stone

Reduce your consumption of sugar, refined nutrients, animal products (meats and dairy), caffeine, alcohol, soda, and salt.Cut down on oxalate-containing foods such as spinach, rhubarb, beets, nuts, chocolate, black tea, wheat bran, strawberries, and beans.Drink lots of water and eat more fiber, vegetables, whole grains.

Home Remedies For kidney Stones

Water is the best home remedy for these stones. Drink lots of water. By increasing your fluid intake, you increase your urine volume and decrease the concentration of stone forming elements.In short fluid intake such as water should be two to three liters per day.

Watermelon contains the highest density of water amongst all fruits. It is also rich in potassium salts. It is one of the best and safe water pill* which can be used on healthful effect in kidney stones.

Grapes have an special water pill value on account of their richly contents of water and potassium salt.It is an excellent cure for kidney stones.

Celery is a useful food for those who are prostrate to getting stones in the kidney or gall-bladder. Its regular consumption prevents future stone formation.

Basil has a toning up effect on the kidneys. In case of kidney stones, one teaspoon apiece of basil juice and honey should be taken regular for six months. It gets found that stones can be ejected from the urinary tract by this discourse.

Apples are helpful in kidney stones. Take daily an fresh apple can be useful for these stones.

Tomato drink one glass in the the morning daily with the pinch of salt.

Vitamin B6 has been shown to be useful in the treatment of kidney stones. A daily does of 100 to 150 mg of vitamin B6 may be taken for months for permanent cure of kidney stones. Consult your Doctor before starting any supplements.

Cure kidney stones by natural way. Here are more remedies available for you. Cure kidney stones with home treatment kidney stones method.

Kidney Stones Alternative Treatments? What’s right for you?

Here are the top 5 remedies that have been documented to pass kidney stones. However, I would recommend the treatment that will dissolve the stones before they pass because of pain problems.

1. Celery Seed Tea Remedy- This novel remedy uses 2 tablespoons of celery seed and 2 cups of water boiled. Though the remedy has been shown to work in a few of our customers, I highly recommended trying this only as a last resort. Also, celery seed should never be used by pregnant women. It has also been noted to sleep on the opposite side of your kidney stone pain while using this remedy.

2. The Cherry Remedy- In a 1950s, a study by Dr. Ludwig W Blau found that 6-8 cherries eaten daily significantly reduced the occurrence of uric acid in the body. Cherries also have an anti-inflammatory property which can help reduce urate levels (partly responsible for the creation of uric acid kidney stones). If you have been diagnosed with uric acid kidney stones, you might want to give this remedy a try.

3. The Olive Oil Remedy- This is one of the more popular remedies in the natural health world. The remedy calls for extra virgin light olive oil and lemon juice. The olive oil acts as a lubricant in your body, making your kidney stones pass easier through your urinary tract. The lemon juice is highly acidic, thus helps break down the stones, making the passage much easier. The combination of both ingredients will work well to get rid of your kidney stones. A step-by-step method can be found in our report.

4. Watermelon Cleanse- This alternative treatment is not intended for diabetics because of the high amounts of natural sugars. The watermelon cleanse is one of the easiest ways to cleanse the kidney. You should first purchase at least 3-4 watermelons and fill your bath up with warm water. While in the bathtub, you should aim to eat as much watermelon as possible while you empty your bladder into the tub (gross but you could pass your kidney stones). The high water flush along with the acidic fruit has been known to pass kidney stones.

5. Phosphoric Acid and Kidney Flush- By far the most effective kidney stone alternative treatment available and has been our #1 selling natural remedy. The remedy consists of using a simple drink containing phosphoric acid to dissolve the kidney stone(s). By consuming the common household drink, you can actually dissolve the stones with about 2 liters. After dissolving the stones, you should immediately take a high water-soluble fiber vegetable to flush the stones painlessly. The natural remedy has been guaranteed to work in less than 2 hours.

It’s Your Choice!

I have been in business long enough to know that if my customers are not happy; I am unemployed! And I absolutely need to give my customers the best alternative treatments available or I couldn’t offer my 6 month guaranteed results promise!

But it all comes down to you making the choice of dissolving and passing your kidney stones with simple, step-by-step remedies that work or going through with surgery. To discover how you can be kidney stone free in less than 2 hours… guaranteed… please visit :Kidney Stone Removal Report

Kidney Stones
Previous Chapter Bladder Infections
Next Chapter Cystic Fibrosis

About the best that can be said of kidney stones is that once you go through the experience, you may find yourself willing to go out of your way to make sure they do not come back again. For most people I know who have had kidney stones, one bout was enough to persuade them to start drinking herbal teas and to make some radical changes in their diets.

Unfortunately, about half the people who get kidney stones will suffer them again, along with the symptoms of sudden, sharp waves of pain, nausea and profuse sweating that accompany this problem. Severe cases are also accompanied by bleeding and, if there is an infection, even fever. As with any kidney condition, you must see your physician to determine the exact cause of your symptoms and the severity of the condition.

Kidney stones are mineral deposits made up of calcium, uric acid or the amino acid cysteine. There are numerous theories as to how these "stones" form, but no one knows for sure how it happens. Medical experts agree, however, that diet is certainly a factor. For instance, kidney stones develop in vegetarians and other people who eat plenty of fresh vegetables only about half as often as in those whose diet does not include these important foods. Obesity and repeated kidney infections are also risk factors. Even after an infection has passed, a small amount of debris remains in the kidneys—medical researchers suspect that the stones form around this debris. You are also at greater risk of developing this problem if there is a history of kidney stones in your family.

In some herb books, it is said that lemon juice reduces the size of kidney stones, but most herbal remedies, including those based on lemon juice and hydrangea, do not actually dissolve stones. Instead, they help eliminate the stones and reduce or relieve the pain that occurs as they are eliminated. The larger the stone, the more uncomfortable this can be. Herbs that reduce infection, pain and spasms are cramp bark, goldenrod and joe-pye weed, aptly nicknamed "gravel root" for its ability to get rid of stones.

Goldenrod has received official recognition in Germany for its effectiveness in getting rid of kidney stones. Several species of the plant are used for this purpose throughout Europe, although it is not as popular in North America. This is too bad, considering that goldenrod is an excellent urinary tract herb that grows wild throughout much of North America. Several scientific studies support goldenrod's action.

Agrimony, horsetail, yarrow, shepherd's purse, Saint-John's-wort and nettles can also be used to reduce bleeding caused by kidney stones.

At least 75 percent of kidney stones are composed of calcium combined with phosphate or oxalic acid. Medical experts believe that these stones result from an accumulation of unused calcium, and lack of exercise is generally thought to be a factor. A study conducted in 1973 showed that cranberries help prevent stones in some people by reducing the excessive amounts of calcium commonly found in the urinary tract. There is some scientific evidence that this may also be true of rose hips, which have traditionally been used to ease various urinary tract infections. Since the calcium-phosphate stones are most common in alkaline urine, cranberries and other herbs that acidify urine also help prevent stones.

Levels of the enzyme urease, which contributes to kidney stones, are increased by bacteria and the alkaline urine they produce. Studies on rosemary conducted in Paraguay, where this herb is an important folk medicine, showed that it almost completely inhibits urease.

If you are prone to kidney stones, play it safe and avoid such foods as rhubarb, spinach, beet greens, sorrel, green tea and chocolate. All of these are rich in oxalic acid. If you do eat these foods, try not to eat foods high in calcium at the same time—this means that spinach and cheese soufflĂ© or chocolate milk are especially problematic.

Uric acid stones are found in urine that is too acidic. If you get this type of stone, eat cherries, strawberries, apple juice, asparagus and nettles to make your urine more alkaline. Also consider changing your diet. One thing that can cause overly acidic urine is an overabundance of protein. The herbs meadowsweet, sarsaparilla, joe-pye weed and plantain (which is widely used by the Chinese to treat kidney problems) help rid the kidneys of excess uric acid. This use for meadowsweet was acknowledged in a French medical journal in 1942.

Kidney Stone Tea

2 teaspoons hydrangea root

1 teaspoon wild yam root

1 teaspoon cramp bark

11⁄2 quarts water

1 teaspoon joe-pye weed

1⁄2 teaspoon each corn silk, plantain leaf and yarrow leaf

Add hydrangea, wild yam and cramp bark to water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then turn down heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, add other herbs, cover pan and steep for at least 20 minutes. Strain and keep refrigerated. Drink 3 to 4 cups daily. If bleeding occurs, add 30 drops shepherd's purse tincture to each cup of tea.

A tea is especially appropriate when treating a kidney infection because you should already be drinking plenty of water to keep kidneys flushed and help prevent the stones from forming. For convenience, you can also take this formula as a tincture; take 2 to 3 dropperfuls a day.

Know This Before Choosing - Kidney Stone Surgery

Are you considering kidney stones surgery? If yes then just imagine yourself within the next 24 hours calling your doctor to cancel your surgery. Imagine your kidney stone gone, pain free in just a few hours from now. I want you to also for a moment, imagine the thousands you would save in a medical bill when you are able to painlessly dissolve that kidney stone bothering you.

You would easily pass them out through your urine. Such a natural treatment or remedy is available. First, what are kidney stones and why are they so painful? An understanding of this would help you understand how to pass them out naturally.

Kidney stones which are sometimes called renol calculi, are stone shaped deposits in the kidney and urinary tract. This is sometimes some of the common causes of blood in the urine. This stones usually have jagged, sharp edges which can damage or cause harm to the kidney or urinary tract.

The sizes of these stone could be as little as a grain of sand to as large as a sea pearl or in extreme cases even a golf-ball. This is why sometimes, kidney stones surgery is recommended. But before going the surgical route, I urge you to try an alternative which incorporates using natural acids to quickly clear and dissolve the stones within hours.

This is helping lots of people who initially thought they needed surgery. What needs to be done basically is to smoothen the sharp edges of the stones that cause pain and dissolve the sand like tiny particles that can be passed out.

Here are some basic things you need to try and first to get rid of the stones. The intake of at least 2 liters worth of water is recommended. Taking lots of water will help your kidney pass out the stones causing you so much pain.

Drink a lot of water regularly through out the day to help the kidney perform it’s cleansing duties. Those who require a stronger liquid to dissolve and flush out the stones could drink beverages with citric taste this contains the phosphoric acid which will help get rid of the stones.

Before you try out kidney stones surgery, isn’t it worth learning about the more natural and painless process of eliminating the stones.

Phosphoric Acid Treatment For Kidney Stones

If you are suffering from kidney stones, have you considered a kidney stones phosphoric acid treatment? Research shows that natural acids can actually accelerate that passing of stones in your kidneys.

In this article, you will learn why natural acids can help pass your pain and stones. And you will also learn why phosphoric acid has been so effective.

Why Kidney Stones can Dissolve?

Thousands of people will pass their stones this week using water and natural acids. Water is needed to help the kidneys flush themselves. If you have been to the doctor lately, he or she has probably recommended drinking water to help flush stones.

In fact, just drinking plenty of water can probably flush about 80% of stones in the kidneys. However, the other 20% of stones may need more than just hydration. Stones over 5 mm or bigger will usually need to be
dissolved in order to pass.

Because the body’s filter, the liver, does not regulate acids or bases, it is possible to get enough acid to your kidneys to dissolve your stones. And many experts believe that phosphoric acid is the most effective one.

Kidney Stones Phosphoric Acid

What is phosphoric acid? This type of acid has many uses including keeping beverages citric and even helping cleaning supplies dissolve calcium.

Because you consume acids at every meal, it is no harm to consume it. In fact, phosphoric acid has been present in many beverages for the past 50 years. The acid has been shown to keep the drinks citrusy.

The acid has also been used in cleaning products too! Many of the bathroom and shower cleaning products contain this acid because it can dissolve calcium build up. You may also remember that kidney stones are most likely composed of calcium.

Most kidney stone remedies that are effective contain two main ingredients. The first ingredient contains an acid to help with the dissolution process (dissolving the stones). The second ingredient is usually a vegetable which is rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has been shown to be very fibrous which will help the kidneys flush the deposited calcium.

Pumpkin Seeds : Home Remedy For Kidney Stones

* What are pumpkin seeds?
* Why are pumpkin seeds considered a home remedy for kidney stones?
* How many pumpkin seeds do you need to take as a home remedy for kidney stones?

What Are Pumpkin Seeds?

Pumpkins are native to North and South America but now are grown throughout the world.

The seeds are today eaten as a popular snack food, they are high in vitamin E and it is the seeds of the pumpkin which are used for medicinal purposes.

Pumpkin seeds have anti-parasitic properties.

Apart from Vitamin E, pumpkin seeds contain:

* Minerals
* Essential Fatty Acids
* Amino Acids
* Phytosterols
* Mucilaginous carbohydrates

Other than helping to reduce the formation of kidney stones, pumpkin seeds are also helpful with the following health conditions:

* Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
* Depression
* Parasites

Why Are Pumpkin Seeds Considered A Home Remedy For Kidney Stones?

Pumpkin seeds are considered a home remedy for kidney stones due to trials carried out in Thailand which found that pumpkin seeds can help to reduce the risk of kidney stones forming.

The active ingredient in pumpkin seeds which help to reduce the risk of kidney stones forming has not been identified as to date.

How Many Pumpkin Seeds Do You Need To Take As A Home Remedy For Kidney Stones?

As a home remedy for kidney stones, try eating pumpkin seeds as a snack throughout the day.

Up to 400 g per day of pumpkin seeds should be beneficial.

Pumpkin seeds are generally safe to eat, but some people can suffer from upset stomach if too much is eaten.

So, to sum up…

Trials in Thailand have shown that pumpkin seeds can indeed help to reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.

If you are prone to kidney stones, then snacking on pumpkin seeds throughout the day is indeed a good home remedy for kidney stones.

Remedies & Kidney Stones Diet

If you have kidney stones, you are not alone; more than 5 percent of the American population suffers from this medical condition according to National Kidney and Urology Disease Information (NKUDI). In fact, this number is increasing annually. Important is know the cause and means to flush the stones and prevent new ones from forming in you kidneys. Kidney stones are resulted from crystallization of certain chemicals in your urine. In agglomerating, crystals can form small stones from a size of a grain of sand to a golf ball. Although most stones are composed of calcium oxalate, it may happen you develop uric acid kidney stones, or cystine stones.

The majority of small stones pass out the body by themselves without any medical intervention. However, some of them, due to their size, blocked in the urinary tract causing excruciating pain; this can require immediate help of a physician. To get rid of those stone buildups, your nephrologist (a physician who is specialized in kidney diseases, kidney transplantation, and dialysis therapy) may use extracorporeal lithotripsy (performed mostly for stones between 4 mm and 2 cm in diameter) and shock waves (to fragment large stones into small pieces). In some cases, however, a surgeon must resort to typical surgery to remove the stone.

All those methods can remove kidney stones, but not prevent their recurrence. Once you have renal calculi, the risk of recurrence is high. The best way to avoid this is to follow a natural treatment and change your diet.

How to pass kidney stones naturally?

To dissolve uric acid stones, alkalinization therapy (a form of treatment of kidney stones consisting of the reduction of acidity in the urine) is essential. This can be done naturally or synthetically. However, this article is about natural alkalinization therapy.

Increase your liquid intake - Dehydration is a major risk factor for kidney stones. Drinking lot of water and natural juice allows your body to diluting elements present in the urine. If you suffer or at risk of kidney stones, you should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day for less active people, and at least 10 glasses for athletes; this preventive and curative method facilitates the release of stones that already formed and prevents formation of others. Although it can be annoying, it is also important to drink a glass of water during the night. During hot season, you should drink even more.

Eat more fruits and vegetables - If you have kidney stones, curative effects of eating fruits is enormous. A diet rich in fruits participates in many vital body functions, including increasing citrate, a major inhibitor of crystallization of salts in your urine. However, consumption of certain fruits and vegetables must be limited.

Lemonades and grapefruit juice significantly increase urinary excretion of citrate, calcium and magnesium. Citrus fruit juices could represent a natural alternative to potassium citrate, a substance used to treat a kidney stone condition. However, in order to obtain their beneficial effects in the prevention of calcium renal stones, they must be drunk with no or low sugar. Orange juice is also recommended; it increases citrate in the urine while reducing the crystallization of uric acid and calcium oxalate.

Limit your protein intake - high protein intake tends to cause crystallization of salts in the urine, by increasing the level of calcium, oxalate and uric acid, and lowering the level of citrate (a key substance in the prevention of formation of kidney stones). Animal proteins (meat, fish, poultry, game, etc.) are most often involved in this disorder.

It is important that you reduce consumption of foods high in oxalate: chocolate, peanuts, hazelnuts, asparagus, beets, spinach, rhubarb, etc. Reduction of salt in your diet is also essential. Salt and salted products promote formation of calcium in the urine, which leads to kidney stones. In addition, avoid beer and soft drinks. These drinks are too acidic for your urine; they can lead to formation of stones. Certain supplements such as vitamin C must be taken in small quantities.

Remove Kidney Stone With Help Of 7 Secrets

Do you think kidney stone removal can only be achieved with medication or surgery? In some cases this may be true, but for the majority of people dealing with kidney stone pain there are much easier solutions. Many times kidney stones pass through your system completely unnoticed. But in some instances, stones can be large enough to cause considerable pain. If you follow these steps, you’ll find that most kidney stones can be quickly dissolved and removed.

Drink Plenty of Water

This means drinking at least two quarts of water each day. At first that may sound like a lot, but you should strongly adhere to this as it is the best natural remedy for kidney stone removal. Water dilutes toxins - including kidney stones - and allows them to pass through your system.

Grab Some Watermelon!

This water packed melon is an excellent tonic for the kidneys, and tasty as well. Don’t be afraid to try other fruits in the melon family as well, such as cantaloupe. As an alternative you can puree fruits into juices for a healthy drink.

Olive Oil + Lemon Juice

At first this might sound quite unappealing, but hear me out. Mix two ounces of olive oil with two ounces of lemon juice and drink it in one full swing. At the first sign of kidney stone pain, drink a large glass of water. This homemade remedy has been favored by many throughout the world and often helps to pass your kidney stones within 24 hours. Another tip is to take this concoction at night, just before you head to bed.

Get Moving and Exercise

Exercise can help a number of problems, including passing a kidney stone. Exercise is necessary to heal the body and stimulate your immune system. Aim for at least thirty minutes of exercise daily.

Stay Away From These Foods

The following foods should be avoided or at minimum reduced: refined sugars, junk and processed foods, alcohol, soda and caffeine. Another important tip is to reduce your consumption of protein - so eat less meat!

Reduce Those Oxalates

What are oxalates you ask? They are substances that can form into actual kidney stones. Oxalates can be found in several dark green vegetables such as spinach (especially when cooked). Other common food items high in oxalates include certain nuts, beans, rhubarb, chocolate, blueberries and beets.

Get Friendly With Herbs

Did you know that herbs can be very beneficial for the kidneys? They come in different forms such as teas, capsules or extracts. Certain detoxifying and diuretic herbs such as dandelion, buchu, couch grass and cleavers are especially good.

In general, kidney stone removal can be made less painful by eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and getting enough exercise. While it may sound like you have to avoid many foods, you don’t have to eliminate protein and oxalates completely - they just should not be consumed in large quantities.

Tips For Naturally Cure Kidney Stones

Thousands of people want to know how to pass kidney stones. And the answer is hidden in understanding how your body and kidneys work. Unfortunately, most people who have been around western medicine think that scientists should invent a pill which naturally flushes kidneys. They probably have tried.

But until you understand that your kidneys and body work together, you will never pass your kidney stones naturally. Even most doctors are now stating that the best procedure to pass kidney stones naturally is to keep your body well hydrated with water. (A Natural Remedy)

Fact! A well-hydrated body will keep all organs flushed which can prevent and even cure kidney stones.

But what about those stubborn stones that are bigger than 7 mm in diameter? Here are some tips to cure and prevent kidney stones naturally.

How to Pass Kidney Stones Naturally

Here are 5 tips your traditional doctor will never mention.

1. Realizing your body is one system with many sub-systems is very important. Your whole health is very important to all your organs, including your kidneys. With that said, learning how to keep your body naturally flushed is extremely important. One quick way is to eat at least 5-7 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Fruits and veggies are water soluble dietary fiber which flush the body and hydrate the body’s cells.

2. Drinking water is extremely important! Your doctor has probably mentioned this. But did your doctor mention that you should be drinking distilled water to keep minerals from adding to your stone deposits. You should also be drinking at least half your body weight in ounces of water. If you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of distilled water per day.

3. Exercising is often one thing that is forgotten in a holistic approach to health. But exercising has been shown to naturally dislodge stones and make the body run more efficiently. Try to get out at least 5 times a week for a 30 minute exercise.

4. Supplementation is also important. For instance, it has been shown that kidney stone sufferers are commonly deficient in complex vitamin B. Begin supplementing today for treatment and also for prevention. There are also other vitamins and minerals you should be taking.

5. Finally, you should also educate yourself on acidic remedies. Acidic remedies are commonly known as the alternative treatments for dissolving kidney stones because they naturally dissolve calcium stones. For instance, a 2 ingredient phosphoric remedy can be found at How to Pass Kidney Stones

Why a Kidney Stones Treatment Works?

Kidney stones remedies have been around for thousands of years. Because this disease is often caused by lack of hydration (water), it is no wonder that this disease dates to thousands of years ago. In fact, countries that lack clean water have millions of people who suffer from this painful disease.

Fortunately, our bodies are very miraculous. Even Albert Einstein was astounded at the body’s capabilities. And one of those capabilities is to flush the kidneys and dissolve calcium based kidneys.

Most kidney stones remedies work by using natural acids to dissolve the calcium stone and using a fiber rich food (usually a vegetable) to flush the kidneys. Here are some tips that you may find more helpful than water.

Kidney Stones Treatment Tips

1. Because the liver plays no role in acid base regulation, it is possible to consume enough acid to begin dissolving your kidney stones. Many people recommend ingredients like apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. However, most experts are now agreeing that phosphoric acid has shown the best results. The great thing about phosphoric acid is that it is found in some common beverages that can be purchased at any grocery store.

2. Flushing your kidneys after the stones dissolve is very important. Most natural health doctors say that a vegetable that is rich in chlorophyll is the best option. There are numerous vegetables that contain chlorophyll but wheatgrass, fresh parsley and asparagus have been highly recommended by our customers.

3. Finally, you should also realize that prevention is just as important as the cure. Many doctors state, “The best medicine is prevention.” And I could not agree more. There are many factors that could cause you to form kidney stones and there are many ways to reduce your risk and help pass and prevent kidney stones. A simple tip like drinking 12 glasses of water a day with 1 lemon has been shown to be very beneficial to patients. Just ask your doctor!

Your diet may very well affect kidney stone formation. If you don’t want to get these BAND-its forming inside your natural filters, then “wash” them away by drinking water! That is the primary thing to do for prevention!

Do you want to treat your stones in an all-new, refreshing and savoury way? Well, worry no more. Lessen the intake of calcium and take magnesium.

Watermelons would also be very advisable for patients of kidney stones. These include Couch Grass and Cleavers.

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